
The Role of Human Rights Film Festivals

  • 15 June , 2023
  • to
  • 15 June , 2023


The role of human rights festivals is increasing with the development of film industry technology and global issues. But why are we, filmmakers and film audiences alike, eager to attend festivals that focus on global issues? Currently, we have human rights film festivals open to any subject of social justice, as well as those specific to women's rights, migration and borders, the environment, and more. We also have a significant number of regionally focused festivals that examine issues within the context of their occurrence rather than what is happening. Finally, we can also divide the work we do into formats: fiction vs. non-fiction, virtual reality, and other new forms of documentary. In this workshop, Sheyma Buali, the film curator and festival director, will discuss the different types of existing festivals, the types of content they consist of, and, most importantly, the crucial dialogues that arise from these events.